This project is intended to document a simple algorithm for creating 3 dimensional terrain maps and their likely watercourses.
An explanation of the algorithm can be found here: https://github.com/mrdunk/flowing-terrain

The map you see is randomly generated. For a new map, either reload the page or regenerate one of the sources under the Tool->Geography menu.
Cursor keys and mouse to move around. Mouse drag button 1 to move, mouse drag button 2 to rotate and mouse-wheel to change altitude.
On a mobile platform, 1 finger drag to move, 2 finger drag to rotate and pinch to change altitude.

This demonstration is made possible by the following projects:
TypeScript. A much saner alternative to vanilla JavaScript in my opinion.
Babylon.js. The excellent web rendering library.
Sea Level Sea Transparency River Width River Likelihood Snowline Beaches Rock outcrops Wind direction Wind strength
Effect of noise-map on trees Effect of drainage on trees

Low octave components Weight
Mid octave components Weight
High octave components Weight


Low octave components Weight
Mid octave components Weight
High octave components Weight


Noise value effect Noise value polarization
Noise gradient effect Noise gradient polarization
Set target FPS.
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Click to visit.
Click here to clear an existing permalink and generate a new map.